Markweg 10, 6883 JM Velp
+31 6 25197088

Circuit & (gast)rijden

Circuit & (Gast)rijden

On this page you will find all information about (guest) driving on the track and the Mini-z track of EVMC.

The EVMC has a permanent outdoor circuit which is described as a fast and challenging job. There are covered key places and a large club building with catering. There is also a permanent Mini-z track next to the outdoor circuit on the first floor of the clubhouse.

Guest drivers on the circuit or Mini-z track are welcome at the EVMC. Guest drivers (like members) must comply with the house rules. On the circuit, it is currently only possible to join a guest with members and/or when the canteen is open. For Mini-z, in principle it applies that the whole year can be driven on Friday evening. For current opening times, it is best to fill in our contact form.

Guest driving on the circuit
For adults  (max. 3 times) € 15.- each time
Strippenkaart for 5 times 80,-

Guest driving for Mini-z
€ 10,00 per time (maximum 3x, then join or take a strippenkaart)
Strippenkaart € 75.- (11x drive)
Membership Mini-z till 14 years: € 60.- (1 calender year, 48 weeks)
Membership Mini-z till 18 years: € 80.- (1 calender year, 48 weeks)
Membership Mini-z for adults: € 96.- (1 calender year, 48 weeks)

Route and address